
Columns description file for the optIRcataloguesciencereadyphotoz.fits

Column Units Description
ID Unique object identifier for multi-wavelength catalogue in this field
ID_OPTICAL Identifier for the optical-NIR detected chi2 catalogue (internal use only)
ID_SPITZER Identifier for the Spitzer detected chi2 catalogue (internal use only)
RA deg Right ascension of multi-wavelength counterpart (J2000)
DEC deg Declination of multi-wavelength counterpart (J2000)
help_id HELP ID of matched far-IR prior list source
RA_HELP deg Right ascension of help_id source in HELP catalog
DEC_HELP deg Declination of help_id source in HELP catalog
EBV E(B-V) galactic extinction for the source based on its position and Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998)
FLAG_OVERLAP Bit flag indicating the multi-wavelength coverage region of the optical source position (ALPHAJ2000, DELTAJ2000) (see flag description above)
FLAG_CLEAN 3-valued flag indicating bright star masking at the optical source position (see flag description above)
u_flux microJy Recommended SpARCS u-band flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
u_fluxerr microJy Recommended SpARCS u-band flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
g_flux microJy Recommended PanSTARRS g-band flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
g_fluxerr microJy Recommended PanSTARRS g-band flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
r_flux microJy Recommended PanSTARRS r-band flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
r_fluxerr microJy Recommended PanSTARRS r-band flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
i_flux microJy Recommended PanSTARRS i-band flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
i_fluxerr microJy Recommended PanSTARRS i-band flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
z_flux microJy Recommended PanSTARRS z-band flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
z_fluxerr microJy Recommended PanSTARRS z-band flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
y_flux microJy Recommended PanSTARRS y-band flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
y_fluxerr microJy Recommended PanSTARRS y-band flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
g_hsc_flux microJy Recommended PanSTARRS g-band flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
g_hsc_fluxerr microJy Recommended PanSTARRS g-band flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
r_hsc_flux microJy Recommended HSC r-band flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
r_hsc_fluxerr microJy Recommended HSC r-band flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
i_hsc_flux microJy Recommended HSC i-band flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
i_hsc_fluxerr microJy Recommended HSC i-band flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
z_hsc_flux microJy Recommended HSC z-band flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
z_hsc_fluxerr microJy Recommended HSC z-band flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
y_hsc_flux microJy Recommended HSC y-band flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
y_hsc_fluxerr microJy Recommended HSC y-band flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
nb921_hsc_flux microJy Recommended HSC NB921 flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
nb921_hsc_fluxerr microJy Recommended HSC NB921 flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
J_flux microJy Recommended DXS J-band flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
J_fluxerr microJy Recommended DXS J-band flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
K_flux microJy Recommended DXS K-band flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
K_fluxerr microJy Recommended DXS K-band flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 3'' aperture)
ch1_servs_flux microJy Recommended SERVS ch1 flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 4'' aperture)
ch1_servs_fluxerr microJy Recommended SERVS ch1 flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 4'' aperture)
ch2_servs_flux microJy Recommended SERVS ch2 flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 4'' aperture)
ch2_servs_fluxerr microJy Recommended SERVS ch2 flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 4'' aperture)
ch1_swire_flux microJy Recommended SWIRE ch1 flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 4'' aperture)
ch1_swire_fluxerr microJy Recommended SWIRE ch1 flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 4'' aperture)
ch2_swire_flux microJy Recommended SWIRE ch2 flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 4'' aperture)
ch2_swire_fluxerr microJy Recommended SWIRE ch2 flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 4'' aperture)
ch3_swire_flux microJy Recommended SWIRE ch3 flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 4'' aperture)
ch3_swire_fluxerr microJy Recommended SWIRE ch3 flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 4'' aperture)
ch4_swire_flux microJy Recommended SWIRE ch4 flux (aperture and extinction corrected from 4'' aperture)
ch4_swire_fluxerr microJy Recommended SWIRE ch4 flux error (aperture and extinction corrected from 4'' aperture)
F_MIPS_24 microJy Flux density at 24 micron (Median)
FErr_MIPS_24_u microJy Flux density at 24 micron (84th Percentile)
FErr_MIPS_24_l microJy Flux density at 250 micron (16th Percentile)
Bkg_MIPS_24 MJy/Sr Fitted Background of 23 micron map (Median)
Sig_conf_MIPS_24 MJy/Sr fixed at 0
Rhat_MIPS_24 Convergence Statistic (ideally <1.2)
n_eff_MIPS_24 Number of effective samples (ideally >40)
Pval_res_24 Local Goodness of fit measure: 0=good, 1=bad
flag_mips_24 combined flag, 0=good, 1=bad
F_PACS_100 mJy Flux density at 100 micron (Median)
FErr_PACS_100_u mJy Flux density at 100 micron (84th Percentile)
FErr_PACS_100_l mJy Flux density at 100 micron (16th Percentile)
F_PACS_160 mJy Flux density at 160 micron (Median)
FErr_PACS_160_u mJy Flux density at 160 micron (84th Percentile)
FErr_PACS_160_l mJy Flux density at 160 micron (16th Percentile)
Bkg_PACS_100 mJy/Beam Fitted Background of 100 micron map (Median)
Bkg_PACS_160 mJy/Beam Fitted Background of 160 micron map (Median)
Sig_conf_PACS_100 mJy/Beam Fitted residual noise component due to confusion (Median)
Sig_conf_PACS_160 mJy/Beam Fitted residual noise component due to confusion (Median)
Rhat_PACS_100 Convergence Statistic (ideally <1.2)
Rhat_PACS_160 Convergence Statistic (ideally <1.2)
n_eff_PACS_100 Number of effective samples (ideally >40)
n_eff_PACS_160 Number of effective samples (ideally >40)
Pval_res_100 Local Goodness of fit measure: 0=good, 1=bad
Pval_res_160 Local Goodness of fit measure: 0=good, 1=bad
flag_PACS_100 combined flag, 0=good, 1=bad
flag_PACS_160 combined flag, 0=good, 1=bad
F_SPIRE_250 mJy Flux density at 250 micron (Median)
FErr_SPIRE_250_u mJy Flux density at 250 micron (84th Percentile)
FErr_SPIRE_250_l mJy Flux density at 250 micron (16th Percentile)
F_SPIRE_350 mJy Flux density at 350 micron (Median)
FErr_SPIRE_350_u mJy Flux density at 350 micron (84th Percentile)
FErr_SPIRE_350_l mJy Flux density at 350 micron (16th Percentile)
F_SPIRE_500 mJy Flux density at 500 micron (Median)
FErr_SPIRE_500_u mJy Flux density at 500 micron (84th Percentile)
FErr_SPIRE_500_l mJy Flux density at 500 micron (16th Percentile)
Bkg_SPIRE_250 mJy/Beam Fitted Background of 250 micron map (Median)
Bkg_SPIRE_350 mJy/Beam Fitted Background of 350 micron map (Median)
Bkg_SPIRE_500 mJy/Beam Fitted Background of 500 micron map (Median)
Sig_conf_SPIRE_250 mJy/Beam Fitted residual noise component due to confusion (Median)
Sig_conf_SPIRE_350 mJy/Beam Fitted residual noise component due to confusion (Median)
Sig_conf_SPIRE_500 mJy/Beam Fitted residual noise component due to confusion (Median)
Rhat_SPIRE_250 Convergence Statistic (ideally <1.2)
Rhat_SPIRE_350 Convergence Statistic (ideally <1.2)
Rhat_SPIRE_500 Convergence Statistic (ideally <1.2)
n_eff_SPIRE_250 Number of effective samples (ideally >40)
n_eff_SPIRE_350 Number of effective samples (ideally >40)
n_eff_SPIRE_500 Number of effective samples (ideally >40)
Pval_res_250 Local Goodness of fit measure: 0=good, 1=bad
Pval_res_350 Local Goodness of fit measure: 0=good, 1=bad
Pval_res_500 Local Goodness of fit measure: 0=good, 1=bad
flag_spire_250 combined flag, 0=good, 1=bad
flag_spire_350 combined flag, 0=good, 1=bad
flag_spire_500 combined flag, 0=good, 1=bad
Z_BEST Best available redshift estimate
Z_BEST_SOURCE Source of z_best, 0 = photometric, 1 = spectroscopic
Z_SPEC Literature Spectroscopic Redshift
Z_SOURCE Source of the spectroscopic redshift
Z_QUAL Spectroscopic redshift quality: flag Q = 3 means probable, Q >= 4 means reliable
z1_median Median of the primary redshift peak above 80% HPD CI
z1_min Lower bound of the primary 80% HPD CI peak
z1_max Upper bound of the primary 80% HPD CI peak
z1_area Integrated area of the primary 80% HPD CI peak
z2_median Median of the secondary redshift peak (if present) above 80% HPD CI
z2_min Lower bound of the secondary 80% HPD CI peak
z2_max Upper bound of the secondary 80% HPD CI peak
z2_area Integrated area of the secondary 80% HPD CI peak
nfilt_eazy Number of filters included in EAZY template fit
nfilt_atlas Number of filters included in Atlas+AGN template fit
nfilt_ananna Number of filters included in Ananna et al. template fit
chi_r_best Chi^2 / nfilt for best-fit galaxy/AGN template (any library)
chi_r_stellar Chi^2 / nfilt for best-fit stellar template
stellar_type Stellar type of best-fit stellar template
AGN Sources flagged by any one of optAGN/IRAGN/XrayAGN
optAGN Source is included in Million Quasar Catalog compilation or spectroscopically identified AGN
IRAGN Source satisfies Donley et al. (2012) IR AGN criteria
XrayAGN Source has X-ray counterpart
2RXS_ID ID for 2RXS X-ray Catalog counterpart
XMMSL2_ID ID for XMMSL2 X-ray Catalog counterpart
ap_to_model_g Estimated g-band total flux correction from Legacy Surveys model flux
ap_to_model_err_g Statistical uncertainty on tot_g
ap_to_model_r Estimated r-band total flux correction from Legacy Surveys model flux
ap_to_model_err_r Statistical uncertainty on tot_r
ap_to_model_z Estimated z-band total flux correction from Legacy Surveys model flux
ap_to_model_err_z Statistical uncertainty on tot_z
zmodel Model grid redshift used in stellar mass fit
chi_best Minimum Chi^2 in stellar mass fit (for Z_BEST)
Mass_median log10(M_sol) 50th percentile of the marginalised stellar mass posterior (for Z_BEST)
Mass_l68 log10(M_sol) 16th percentile of the marginalised stellar mass posterior (for Z_BEST)
Mass_u68 log10(M_sol) 84th percentile of the marginalised stellar mass posterior (for Z_BEST)
Nfilts Number of bands included in stellar mass fit
u_rest mag Rest-frame u-band magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)
g_rest mag Rest-frame g-band magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)
r_rest mag Rest-frame r-band magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)
i_rest mag Rest-frame i-band magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)
z_rest mag Rest-frame z-band magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)
y_rest mag Rest-frame y-band magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)
J_rest mag Rest-frame J-band magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)
K_rest mag Rest-frame K-band magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)
ch1_servs_rest mag Rest-frame IRAC 3.6micron magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)
ch2_servs_rest mag Rest-frame IRAC 4.5micron magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)
ch1_swire_rest mag Rest-frame IRAC 3.6micron magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)
ch2_swire_rest mag Rest-frame IRAC 4.5micron magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)
ch3_swire_rest mag Rest-frame IRAC 5.8micron magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)
ch4_swire_rest mag Rest-frame IRAC 8.0micron magnitude for best-fit SED (for Z_BEST)